Meet 2015 Head on! (bottomless mimosas optional)

Wow. Wow. Wow. I cannot believe I’m already writing a Happy 2015 post! I still remember going to Quebec City last January so clearly, I might still have some unpacking to do! Where did the time go?
No, seriously. .. Where?
Now, it seems to me, that I have two options as I watch the glittery dust fall from NYE and 2014 for that matter.
One, pull the covers over my head, hit the snooze, binge watch my favorite shows (Helllllooo, New Girl!) with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and wait for 2015 to smack me in my reluctant face.
Or option two, to quote a favorite mentor of mine, “When I wake up, I can’t wait to jump out of bed and kick today’s ass!”
I’m thinking option two sounds way more appealing, so let’s all kick some 2015 bootie!
Now that can mean a lot of things, but here, we’re a bit preoccupied with local food and community exploration- so I’m saying go kick some 2-0-1-5 tookus by getting out there, trying something new AND getting involved!
And, to get your discovery engines revved up, I want to tell you about an *awesome* brunch discovery I fell into a few weeks ago.
Picture it, Sunday morning. .. Stefan (my husband, for those of you who don’t know) and I are wide awake, but just one catch- it’s BEFORE the brunch joints are open!
While this is super rare, I can assure you, it’s a horrible feeling. So naturally, we scoured the interweb for anything open early to no avail. In the end, we settled on an old favorite, even though it did mean waiting til they opened.
We got there right at 11 am on the dot, only to discover to our dismay, that for whatever reason they weren’t opening for brunch that day!
At this point I’m famished and would eat brunch by a street vendor if that existed (and aside from the Bloody Mary’s, I don’t know why it’s not a thing yet!) However, now we’re beginning to wander down H Street, looking for…. Anything!
Luckily, we didn’t even have to go a block before reading a big street billboard in front of Smith Commons for bottomless mimosas! (and. I. will.)
Aside from their VERY attentive refilling of our mimosas, the food and atmosphere was perfection.
It was super chill, which is necessary if you did your Saturday night right, and the staff seemed to read guests minds before they even asked for more coffee, syrup or hot sauce. They also have this cool Sous Vide machine that cooks an egg to exactly 63 degrees, making the yolk a warm and gooey center- and for any egg connoisseur like myself, you know the importance of not overcooking that yolk!
This awesome Smith Commons find definitely made our Sunday. And now we have this great place to add to our list of delicious brunches in DC!
So I hope our little discovery gets you excited to go see what’s out there. Who knows what bottomless drink someone is just waiting to refill for you?!
We are also gearing up for a lot more exploring and going behind the scenes of our favorite DC restaurants in 2015! We’ve got a lot of deliciousness planned for the New Year, including visiting some local farms, getting to know some of our favorite chefs, and sous chefs in the area. We’ll also take a closer look at our food truck scene, and get topped off at our local breweries!
So stay tuned next year for more DC food and fun!
Happy New Year and Happy Eating!!