Wait… who’s leading this tour? Introducing the 2019 New Guide lineup!

I can’t believe we’re already here! Five days left of the summer of ’19! It has flown by with a lot of great milestones and new developments.
One thing we’ve been keeping busy with here at Carpe is adding some new members to our team. So be on the lookout for some new faces walking around with our #awesomeswag- and be sure to say hi!
Without further adu, let me get to the introductions…

Georgetown tour guide, David Steele
First, David – who actually joined us at the beginning of 2019, (but I was a little preoccupied with my growing family to get a blog out) Anywho! David is a DMV native, who recently graduated UMD with a BA in Entrepreneurship. He’s a foodie who loves to get creative and has a lot of great ideas you just might be seeing in the future- from new tour routes to a food truck for the senses. You’ll be seeing him on our Georgetown tour, so be sure to give him a shout out!

U St Guide, Scott G
Next up is Scott G- he’s also a DMV native, who studied history and poli-sci at Towson. He is an avid traveler and has eaten his way across London, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. He’s our newest resident U St expert, who loves talking all things food and history and is continuing his quest for the best slice of pizza in the world! (not sure he’s had Jumbo Slice yet!)

Old Town Guide, Sarah R
Sarah Ramsey comes to us originally from Arkansas, but is now proud to call Alexandria VA her adopted home town. And it’s not a coincidence, we are proud to call her our Old Town tour guide! She left her govt job (ahem, just like a certain founder we know!) to pursue a freelance writing career, and is always willing to show off her new favorite local restaurant/brewery/distillery or coffee shop. She loves travel, food, culture and history- be sure to wave if you see her on King St!

Georgetown Guide, Eli F
Last, but not least is our other Georgetown tour lead, Eli! He came to us from New Orleans in 2016, with a passion for food, people and a background in urban farming and higher education. He loves sharing his love of food, and DC with anyone who will listen and when he’s not touring, can be found at farmers markets and enjoying live music around the district.
So if you see any of their lovely smiling faces out and about, be sure to say hi! And of course, if you want to see them in action…. Click here!