Fresh Flowers and even fresher tour updates

Sitting outside on this gorgeous early spring day- basking in the evening sun staying out an hour longer, and relishing the fact that it’s too early for mosquitos- I gotta say I’m pretty jazzed.
This is that perfect time of year when everything is new. Grass is coming up, buds are popping out, even the legendary Cherry Blossoms have started to make their appearance.
And this year’s newness has a fresh significance for me- since it’s the start of a NEW. TOUR. SEASON!
You know what that implies, right?? That there is now, officially an old tour season, and even if it’s only 1 season, we have now marched ourselves into (drumroll please…)
While I can easily say that on all accounts our first year was a success, I’m excited about all the changes, updates and growth I see coming this cycle.
That brings me to another reason this time of year is special- you guessed it… (or maybe you didn’t..) Women’s History Month. Now, as a Women’s Studies Minor, I must say I love when the ladies step into the limelight and we commemorate all the amazing accomplishments women have made throughout history.
And in the spirit of honoring fabulous females of past and present, we have made a change to our tour and added a new stop– highlighting some amazing ladies of the local food industry as well as the one and only Mother Earth.
We are super excited to announce that the newest addition to the Carpe DC Road Map is Glen’s Garden Market!
This is a woman owned grocery store dedicated to local, sustainable food and the preservation of our Mother Earth by way of the Chesapeake Bay. Glen’s is owned by Danielle Vogel, who set out to address Climate Change ‘one bite at a time,’ after years of working on the Hill and seeing little climate progress.
We’ve actually been big fans for a while, and blogged about Glen’s last year.
But not only are we stopping at this planet-saving, woman-owned grocery store, we’re also supporting some local women owned food businesses featured at Glen’s as our tastings, including Charmed Bar, FruitCycle, MisFit Juicery and Julie’s Datery. So needless to say, we’re stoked about featuring all this feminine fortitude as a stop on our tour.
A few other new things going on- we have hired and trained our new guide, Amanda! So keep a look out for another friendly face fearlessly leading guests through the U Street Corridor. And FYI, we’re still on the hunt for another one or two guides, so if you know anyone- send them to our way.
Lastly, we have a new campaign designed to raise awareness and fundage for our favorite local charity, Bread for the City! We call it….
FeedBack to Feed More
Its simple. If we reach our goal of 500 Trip Advisor Reviews for this year, we’ll donate an extra $2000 to Bread for the City, to feed more locals in need. So if you want to participate, your part is easy, just head over to TripAdvisor and let us know how we did!
Cheers to a new season, and a great new year!