Importance of Community, especially now..
All this pandemic chaos has got me thinking about the importance of restaurants, our local community and how vital it is they have our support in these difficult times. So we wanted to share our first (holiday themed) post on how they shape our community. To that end, we are DOUBLING OUR DONATION to Bread…
No Tree Skirts Allowed
Happy December! It’s here, we’re smack in the middle of it- Holiday Season! (insert appropriate song here) Now for some of you- you thought jingle bells, some of you are hearing angels sing, and the rest of us are hearing the theme from Jaws. So, I wanted to do a quick lil holiday check in….
Best of DC
Every year, the Washington City Paper asks DC residents to vote for their favorites in just about every category imaginable from favorite Bloody Mary to favorite doctor (One Medical Group, oh yeah!) to favorite strip club. Yep, no service goes unnoticed. And they also throw a fun party to showcase the winners. This year it…
Get your Hibernate on with this cozy cocktail
Diversity. That’s one of the things that we love the most about our DC Food Tours. Each stop has their own unique story, and we love taking the deep dive to find out what makes them each so special! This is why this year we decided to pull back the curtain and share with you…